Borland C++ Release 5.02
The IDE includes many usability enhancements in this release.
They are listed briefly in the following sections. Refer to
online Help for details.
Compiler Enhancements
* New 32-bit compiler (BCC32.EXE) provided with this release
* A Make following a failed Build All rebuilds from the point
of failure
* New compiler option under Options|Project|C++ Options|
General called Zero-Length Empty Class Member Function (like -Vx)
Editor Enhancements
* Read-only files identified by an "R" after the file name
* Modified files include an asterisk (*) after the file name
* Search|Replace includes a Change All option
* IDE remembers the cursor position of the last 100
edit buffers that you closed
* IDE automatically loads the Tips script to display tool tips
* Cursor changes in left gutter to indicate that a click
will drop a debugger breakpoint
Debugging Enhancements
* New options in Options|Environment|Debugger|Debugger Behavior:
Do not save files or prompt when debugging and Do not prompt
when attempting to run 16 bit applications
* New option in Options|Project|Compiler|Debugging:
Detach Debug Information from OBJs
* Debugger status glyphs: Lightning bolt (if running)
and Pause Process (if stepping or at breakpoint)
* Debug menu: View Locals command creates Local Inspector (to
watch local variables) when the IDE Debugger has a process loaded
* The Watch window shows values in hex, decimal, or both formats
* CPU View stack pane indicates the current position
* While debugging, editor tooltips display the value of the symbol
under the pointer
Message Window Enhancements
* An .RC file's source date and time format
reflect the format of the country setting
* The default position of the Message window has changed
* You can use Ctrl+ A to clear the Build tab
* Clear before Make/Build in Options|Environment|Preferences
* Double-click on an unresolved external error message
in the Build tab opens the file with the external reference
Project Management Enhancements
* Project menu: Stop Background Task appears during an
asynchronous build
* Project window glyphs: A red check mark (node has
Local Overrides) and a clock with a red X on it
(node out of date and will be rebuilt on the next make)
* The default position of the Project window has changed
* Compatibility: Two new Project Options on the C++ Options|C++
Compatible dialog, Destructor Cleanup Compatibility and Class
Layout Compatibility
General Enhancements
* Preprocessor: Invoking the preprocessor automatically loads
the output into the edit buffer
* Syntax highlighting: Scope delimiters ) and } can be
customized; preprocessor directives highlighted only
instead of highlighting the whole line
* File|Open dialog boxes: Enable filename completion
available in Options|Environment|Preferences for files
and directories
* Keyboard Shortcuts: You can use Ctrl+S to find the ~, <, and >
* Windows NT: Shutting down the computer now saves an open
.IDE file.
Incremental Linker
Borland C++ provides an incremental linker that dramatically improves
link times (after the initial link). To use it, check Incremental
Linker on the Options|Project|Linker|32-bit Linker page.
Interoperability with Borland C++Builder
If you have Borland C++Builder, you can add the C++Builder .MAK
makefiles as nodes to your BCW projects. Refer to BCW.HLP for
more information.
New Scripting Features
* File maintenance/navigation script (DIRVIEW.SPP)
* New method ProjectStopBackgroundTask() to terminate
asynchronous build/make/compile/transfer
* remove_view_menu_item function in MENUHOOK.SPP lets you
remove IDE main menu items
* SearchAll hot key changed from A to L.
(A clears the Message tab.)
New Resource Workshop Features
* 32-bit custom control DLL support in
Options|Environment|Resource Editors|Control Libraries
* New menu command Dialog|Resize to Content
* Dialog editor enhancements
* Check for Duplicate ID on the Dialog menu
* Dynamic IDE status bar
* Entry of DBCS characters in the menu editor
* Code page support in Resource compiler through -c switch
and #pragma code_page(ID-num)
The IDE includes many usability enhancements in this release.
They are listed briefly in the following sections. Refer to
online Help for details.
Compiler Enhancements
* New 32-bit compiler (BCC32.EXE) provided with this release
* A Make following a failed Build All rebuilds from the point
of failure
* New compiler option under Options|Project|C++ Options|
General called Zero-Length Empty Class Member Function (like -Vx)
Editor Enhancements
* Read-only files identified by an "R" after the file name
* Modified files include an asterisk (*) after the file name
* Search|Replace includes a Change All option
* IDE remembers the cursor position of the last 100
edit buffers that you closed
* IDE automatically loads the Tips script to display tool tips
* Cursor changes in left gutter to indicate that a click
will drop a debugger breakpoint
Debugging Enhancements
* New options in Options|Environment|Debugger|Debugger Behavior:
Do not save files or prompt when debugging and Do not prompt
when attempting to run 16 bit applications
* New option in Options|Project|Compiler|Debugging:
Detach Debug Information from OBJs
* Debugger status glyphs: Lightning bolt (if running)
and Pause Process (if stepping or at breakpoint)
* Debug menu: View Locals command creates Local Inspector (to
watch local variables) when the IDE Debugger has a process loaded
* The Watch window shows values in hex, decimal, or both formats
* CPU View stack pane indicates the current position
* While debugging, editor tooltips display the value of the symbol
under the pointer
Message Window Enhancements
* An .RC file's source date and time format
reflect the format of the country setting
* The default position of the Message window has changed
* You can use Ctrl+ A to clear the Build tab
* Clear before Make/Build in Options|Environment|Preferences
* Double-click on an unresolved external error message
in the Build tab opens the file with the external reference
Project Management Enhancements
* Project menu: Stop Background Task appears during an
asynchronous build
* Project window glyphs: A red check mark (node has
Local Overrides) and a clock with a red X on it
(node out of date and will be rebuilt on the next make)
* The default position of the Project window has changed
* Compatibility: Two new Project Options on the C++ Options|C++
Compatible dialog, Destructor Cleanup Compatibility and Class
Layout Compatibility
General Enhancements
* Preprocessor: Invoking the preprocessor automatically loads
the output into the edit buffer
* Syntax highlighting: Scope delimiters ) and } can be
customized; preprocessor directives highlighted only
instead of highlighting the whole line
* File|Open dialog boxes: Enable filename completion
available in Options|Environment|Preferences for files
and directories
* Keyboard Shortcuts: You can use Ctrl+S to find the ~, <, and >
* Windows NT: Shutting down the computer now saves an open
.IDE file.
Incremental Linker
Borland C++ provides an incremental linker that dramatically improves
link times (after the initial link). To use it, check Incremental
Linker on the Options|Project|Linker|32-bit Linker page.
Interoperability with Borland C++Builder
If you have Borland C++Builder, you can add the C++Builder .MAK
makefiles as nodes to your BCW projects. Refer to BCW.HLP for
more information.
New Scripting Features
* File maintenance/navigation script (DIRVIEW.SPP)
* New method ProjectStopBackgroundTask() to terminate
asynchronous build/make/compile/transfer
* remove_view_menu_item function in MENUHOOK.SPP lets you
remove IDE main menu items
* SearchAll hot key changed from A to L.
(A clears the Message tab.)
New Resource Workshop Features
* 32-bit custom control DLL support in
Options|Environment|Resource Editors|Control Libraries
* New menu command Dialog|Resize to Content
* Dialog editor enhancements
* Check for Duplicate ID on the Dialog menu
* Dynamic IDE status bar
* Entry of DBCS characters in the menu editor
* Code page support in Resource compiler through -c switch
and #pragma code_page(ID-num)
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